Host Your Virtual Workshop or Book Talk with The New York Writing Room!

We partner with writers, designers, photographers and creatives to offer virtual workshops Monday through Saturday. We also host virtual book launches and talks with authors nationwide. Check below to see what’s coming up next.


Upcoming Events


How to Find a Literary Agent

Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025

6:30-7:45 p.m. EST


You've written your manuscript, and you're ready to pitch it to a publisher. But first, you need a literary agent. Finding the best agent who will advocate for you and your story is not always an easy or quick process. And if you've never queried an agent before, you might not know where to start. The Writing Room is here to help alleviate stress and answer all your questions about securing an agent!

Detroit Writing Room coach Justin Brouckaert and Monica Rodriguez are professional literary agents who help writers find agents and understand what to expect from this part of the publishing process. During the virtual panel discussion moderated by Writing Room founder Stephanie Steinberg, the agents will cover:

  • Why you may need an agent

  • The best ways to find agents

  • How to determine who is an ideal agent for you and your project(s)

  • The querying process and "the call"

  • What to expect once an agent says "yes" to working with you!

The last 15 minutes will be reserved for Q&A, so come with your questions! Early bird tickets are $50 until Jan. 13. All attendees will receive a promo code for 20% off a coaching session with Justin Brockaert.


How to Get Your Book Published

Monday, March 3, 2025

6-7:30 p.m. EST


Learn everything you need to know about how to publish your book at this virtual workshop with Two Sisters Writing & Publishing. Since founding this independent press, Elizabeth Ann Atkins and Catherine M. Greenspan have published about 60 memoirs, workbooks and novels. This includes Catherine’s young adult novels and memoirs for former Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer, a former American Red Cross president, several physicians, and even their mother, a retired judge.

The Two Sisters will explain your three main options: traditional publishing with “The Big Five” in New York; self-publishing; and independent and hybrid publishing. Elizabeth will also share her experience as a bestselling author whose 40 books have been published all three ways. And you’ll learn how to reverse engineer the entire process to strategize your best possible outcome. You’ll leave this high-energy, informative and interactive virtual workshop armed with everything you need to know to choose the best publishing option for your book. Early bird tickets are $40 until Feb. 3.

How to Submit to Literary Magazines & Small Presses

Thursday, March 27, 2025

5:30-7 p.m. EST


Wherever you are in the writing process, submitting your work can be a helpful light at the end of the tunnel. But the world of literary magazines and small publishers is so expansive and diverse, it’s hard to know where and how to send your work out for publication. In this virtual workshop with Dennis James Sweeney, author of "How to Submit: Getting Your Writing Published with Literary Magazines and Small Presses," we’ll talk about the landscape of literary magazines and small presses, strategies for achieving your publication goals and how to navigate the vulnerability of sending out the writing you’ve worked so hard on. You’ll leave the class with next steps for submitting your latest piece of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction or hybrid work. This informational class will also include written reflection, group discussion and Q&A time. Join us if you’d like company in the exciting but daunting process of sending out your writing. Early bird tickets are $55 until Feb. 27.


Creative Nonfiction in Flash: Distilling a Moment in Time

Thursday, April 10, 2025

7-8:30 p.m. EST


Life is made up of small moments. So is flash nonfiction. Join Diane Gottlieb, award-winning author and editor of flash nonfiction for an evening of reading, writing, craft talk and discovery. Flash nonfiction is nonfiction writing in short — generally under 1,000 words.The challenge is to tell a small but mighty true story that grabs, builds and keeps hold of a reader throughout. Attendees will read two to three flash nonfiction pieces for inspiration. They'll then come away with the bones of a short essay. Together we'll distill moments in time. General admission is $50.

Pitch Perfect: How to Get Your Brand or Story Noticed by National Media

Wednesday, April 16, 2025

1-2:30 p.m. EST


What subject lines stand out? What story ideas resonate? How long, short, detailed or vague should your pitch be? How much do connections matter? Can you really make a living as a freelance journalist? Learn it all from New York Writing Room coach Anna Medaris, a journalist with 15 years of experience writing and editing for publications including the Washington Post, U.S. News & World Report, Women's Health, Cosmopolitan, Everyday Health and others.

Anna currently freelances for publications nationwide, coaches writers through the New York Writing Room, and moderates professional panels. She's appeared on the Today Show, Good Morning America and dozens of local TV and radio stations. Throughout it all, she's vetted countless pitches from PR professionals, entrepreneurs, writers, family members and friends to truly understand what works, and what doesn't. Join this virtual workshop on to get a look behind the scenes of what writers and editors' daily life (and inbox) actually looks like, candid advice on how to sell yourself and your idea or to simply introduce yourself because one thing she thinks has never changed is the power of human connections.

Attendees have an opportunity to submit a pitch for Anna to review and provide feedback. Early bird tickets are $45 until March 16. Sign up with a colleague or friend and get $10 off!